grand challenges africa

Funding innovation in Africa using the Grand Challenges approach

How to solve the grand challenges of Africa through Technology | Omobola Johnson | TEDxYaba

How Grand Challenges Africa supports innovation in Africa

The Seven Grand Challenges

Grand Challenges Africa Induction Meeting 2019

What Are Grand Challenges?

Global Grand Challenges & Impact | Nick Haan | SingularityU South Africa

Grand Challenges Africa - Using locally available materials in mosquito control

Explaining grief | Ways to process loss | Ubongo Kids #emotions #griefhealing #kidseducation

Grand Challenges Africa Innovation Network (GCAiN)

Grand Challenges Africa Innovation Network (GCAiN) (French version)

Grand Challenges Africa - Rapid and multiplex diagnosis of maternal bacterial infections

Focus on Grand Challenges Africa grantees and the impact of their work

Grand Challenges Africa - Engaging traditional birth attendants in tackling maternal depression

Grand Challenges Africa - Using mathematical modelling to tackle antimicrobial resistance

Scaling Off-Grid Energy: A Grand Challenge for Development

Grand Challenges Africa Convening of Drug Discovery and Data Science for MNCH cohorts - Day #2

Grand Challenges Africa - Maternal mobile health care service for pastoralist mothers

Grand Challenges Africa Convening of Drug Discovery and Data Science for MNCH cohorts - Day #1

A Conversation on Grand Challenges From Davos to Nairobi

I spent a few days in Senegal for this year’s Grand Challenges meeting

'Tackling the continent's grand challenges'- Simon Carpenter

Fred Swaniker - The 7 Grand Challenges and Solving World Problems

Making All Voices Count: A Grand Challenge for Development